Pekka Harjula trusts Palax C900 Pro+ circular saw machine

“That’s the ease of a circular blade, all you have to do is make some fire wood!”

Pekka Harjula relies on Palax’s circular saw machine to make firewood, and no wonder, because in addition to ease of use, the machine’s maintenance intervals are long. Pekka’s company serves the Southern Ostrobothnia region, offering its customers felling of problem trees, forest management, and high-quality firewood. The current Palax C900 Pro+ has been in use for three seasons already, and almost no maintenance has been required. Pekka, who has been an entrepreneur for a long time, needs a reliable and fast machine by his side, because as the man said, “you get older but the pace gets faster”!

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Palax X firewood factory
Welcome to the future of firewood processing with the Palax X Firewood Factory – a cutting-edge, semi-automatic solution designed for unparalleled efficiency and ease of use.
We are launching three new products