Coming soon: Palax maintenance video series

Eero Raina’s robust Palax Power 70 circular saw machines (the current one and its predecessor) have made in twenty years as much as 30,000 cubic meters of firewood. If you remember to maintain the firewood processor, it will last for years even with heavy use. Eero says that during the entire life of the machines, their bearings have never had to be replaced. When he uses his current machine actively, he greases the bearings once a week, and even then, one press with a grease gun is enough. He performs scheduled maintenance once a year before taking the machine out of storage and then changes the oil and oil filter. After the season, he takes the circular blade to the blade service for sharpening: a procedure that costs only a few dozen euros keeps the blade in good condition, which in turn saves on V-belts and reduces the noise of the circular blade. On Palax’s YouTube channel, we will be publishing a series of maintenance videos very soon. Familiarize yourself with the maintenance procedures that Eero has found to be beneficial, as well as our other recommended maintenance tips. Subscribe to our channel at and stay tuned for updates!

Palax circular saw blade

See also

The graphical screen in the Palax C751 Smart
The Palax C751 Smart offers an advanced graphical display that allows for setting adjustments and monitoring of key metrics, as well as automatic X-Aim 2.0 splitting wedge height adjustment. The Smart and Pro+ models have intelligently controlled hydraulics, half-stroke function and diagnostics. All models, including the Ergo, have PowerSpeed ​​splitting.
CEO Even Thomas from Värska Laht
The new X Firewood Factory, designed for the industrial firewood production of large logs, fascinated Värska Laht from Estonia, which has traditionally used fast Palax circular saw machines in its production.
Rasmus Koski Finnmetkoilla 2024 Palaxin osastolla D460 klapikoneen vieressä.
Palax supports not only its employees but also the hobbies of their children. One of these young talents is Rasmus Koski, who has trained with determination and won the Finnish championship in the 300-meter race for 15-year-olds.