
Palax Mega

Log deck for big trunks

Palax Mega is a strong and robust in-feed table, which has the advantage of a reliable chain feed and hydraulic control that increases ease of use. It is an excellent choice especially for large logs, from 2.5 meters up to 5 meters.

Ease of joystick control

The in-feed table is a necessary accessory for effortless and efficient firewood production: Palax Mega is best suited for our largest firewood processors. Handling and straightening the logs is effortless with the joystick, which can be used to drive the chains both forward and backward. Finally, the step dispenser of the deck feeds one log at a time onto the in-feed conveyor of the firewood processor towards the cutting.

Technical information

  • Capacity 12 m³
  • Width 2.5 m
  • Chain beams 4 m
  • Weight 1079 kg

User manuals

See also

Palax Lifter

The hydraulic log lifter lifts the logs from the ground one at a time to the correct height for the firewood processor.

Palax Deck 2.0

The right choice for a light log deck from where the logs can be fed by hand from the working height. It is well suited for contracting, as the log rack can handle large quantities of logs, up to six cubic meters, and is easy to move.

Palax Midi

Palax Midi is at its best in scalability: it feeds both large-sized and short logs under 2 m, when you choose an extra chain beam as an accessory. The in-feed table holds eight cubic meters of wood.